Positions funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture
Some positions are funded by iBioMEP from the funds from the Ministry of Education and the Academy of Finland. These comments apply only to these specially funded positions. The availability and application procedure is also outlined at iBioMEP web-page.
- Applications are accepted during a fixed period only.
- While we encourage industrial supervisors to have doctoral students within the school, the school cannot directly fund these students although joint supervision with an academic group is certainly possible.
- Employees of companies have been able in the past to apply to the Academy of Finland for support to cover part of their salary if they are allowed to simultaneously pursue Ph.D. studies. Please consult the Academy of Finland web site www.aka.fi for details.
- Active participation in the school by the supervisor is important and encouraged; having doctoral students within the school, funded from other sources is considered a very important contribution to the school.
- In order to have funded positions from the Ministry of Education, iBioMEP must match them with doctoral students funded from other sources.
- The maximum funding of iBioMEP positions in any case will be for 48 months (maternity, military or alternative service leave is not considered part of the 48 month period and funding is automatically reserved for the student to resume their studies when they return).
Student members
- The Board accepts good applicants into the school proposed by a supervisor.
- Doctoral students are also encouraged to bring their own funding
- The Board accepts the applicant into the school if the supervisor supports the application and it is considered to be of good quality.
Applications to iBioMEP must undergo approval by the iBioMEP Board
- The iBioMEP Board is obliged to render a decision on applications within a reasonable period, typically within 1-2 months after the closing date for applications.
- The iBioMEP Board is not obligated to accept all students that apply through a supervisor, but reasons for refusal will be transmitted to the applicant.
- The Board will consider the previous achievements of the applicant, as well as the supervisor's ability to cover the costs of the applicant and likelihood that a student will complete studies successfully, within four years' time, under the supervisor's guidance.
Application instructions
- The application is sent to the school via the coordinator (see our web pages for a listing of participating laboratories and universities).
- Students need to have a recommendation of a chosen supervisor. Tthis assures that the student is acceptable to a laboratory and that the applicant has been thoroughly pre-screened by the supervisor.
- iBioMEP application instructions:
- Applications are in English.
- Applications are prepared together with the proposed supervisor. Please contact a supervisor within iBioMEP before proceeding further with the application. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
- Applications are accepted continuously but will be processed only two to three times per year, in the next board meeting. Applicants will be informed of decisions usually within 1-2 months.Ministry of Education and Culture funded positions are available only at specified times, advertised in advance at the WWW site of the school .
- Non-discrimination policy. iBioMEP has a policy of non- discrimination with respect to gender, age, nationality, etc. We do, however, follow the policy of the Ministry of Education and Academy of Finland and encourage young students to apply. iBioMEP maintains gender equality.
- CV. Must include date of birth, nationality, description of education and positions held, description of M.Sc. (title, research topic, supervisor, university and department, completion date), work experience and any other relevant details that the applicant wishes to include.
- When completed, (1) please E-mail pdf files to coordinator:
- Completed application including:
- Research plan with the proposed title of the research
- Study plan for the PhD studies at your home university
- Recommendation from your supervisor (the supervisor must be a member of the school)
- Completed application including:
- iBioMEP coordinator
- c/o University of Oulu
- Department of Medical Technology
- P.O. Box 5000
- FIN-90014 OULU
- Finland
Other considerations
Foreign applicants: an M.Sc. degree is generally a requirement. The Finnish university administration will have the final say on the requirements for entry into the school for applicants without an M.Sc. degree.
The Board of iBioMEP makes evaluations of submitted applications.
The Board may employ additional expertise in the evaluation process.
In making decisions concerning funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Board will primarily consider the research proposal and the relevance of the proposed research to the aims of the school, which are to promote excellence in education and research training in the fields of the Doctoral Programme.
The academic record of the student will be considered in the knowledge that good academic performance alone is not a guarantee of success in research.
All applications are strictly confidential. All discussions by the panel are strictly confidential. It is unethical to disclose such confidential information.
Offers of funding are awarded to the applicant (not the supervisor). Thus, doctoral students may transfer their studies to another laboratory if that becomes necessary, after discussions with the thesis committee and approval of the Board of iBioMEP.
Written acceptance of conditions set by iBioMEP is a requirement of all doctoral students.
The school has a strict policy of non-discrimination.
In accordance with guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Academy of Finland, we particularly encourage younger doctoral students and female doctoral students to participate in the school.